Garth Powell —

Dear Parents,

Hello to all our wonderful Kelly club families.

Hard to believe summer is now over, Easter break is upon us and only a week and a half later end of term 1. I have missed seeing all your happy faces as much this past term, but have been very busy behind the scenes.

To confirm, Kelly club will be closed over Easter holidays (including the Tues) so we can all have a break and reenergise for the coming winter months.
We are wanting to run a holiday programme between 19 - 30 April and request anyone who is considering coming to us to RSVP via email, so we can find out if we have the numbers and staff available to meet demand. We want to make a decision by the end of this week please.

Also from term 2 (inline with April 1 wages), Kelly Club session fees will be slightly increasing as follows BSC 7.30 $10 and 8am $6, and ASC 4pm $10, 5pm $16 and 6pm $20.50. Also WINZ subsidies will increase accordingly. Any concerns please keep in touch.
We are also still recruiting some additional wonderful staff which has meant in order to stay within ratio this term, we have had to limit our bookings. I hope in term 2 to be able to lift these limits and increase our numbers again - watch this space - and if you know anyone who might make an amazing staff member, be sure to get the word out. Also please keep in contact with any bookings not able to nbbe made online to see if we can accommodate any casual spaces.

One last reminder, as winter ills and chills sneak up, cancellations for BSC need to be before 6pm night prior and 8am for ASC so we can avoid cancellation fees being added.

I look forward to hearing from you all soon.
Keep warm and well team.


Kind regards,
East Taieri Kelly Club