Hero photograph
Photo by Jennifer Horgan


Jennifer Horgan —

‘E ako ana, ā, e tipu tahi ana tātou’ - Learning and growing together.

Kia ora Koutou

What a fabulous evening our Speech Finals was, celebrating our amazing students. Thank you to Sarah O'Neill for her excellent  organisation and compering of the event. With speeches on topics from 'Stop the Russia and Ukraine War' to 'Being an Only Child is Better than Having Siblings', we were entertained by confident, articulate speakers who had put so much work into preparing their speeches. They performed  to such a high standard, making it extremely difficult for Anna Campbell, the judge for the evening. The Year 0-2 pupils who presented poems were outstanding, some of whom had been at school only a few weeks. To get up on stage in front of so many people was such an achievement. We were very proud of all participants, as I am sure parents and whānau were. (See results and photos in newsletter article.)

Removal of COVID-19 Protection Framework - Traffic Lights

The Government has announced that Aotearoa New Zealand will move to a new long-term approach to managing COVID-19. The key change is the removal of the COVID-19 Protection Framework (traffic lights), which took effect last night (Monday 12 September) from 11:59pm.

This decision to move away from the traffic lights of the COVID-19 Protection Framework has been made based on public health advice and reflects high levels of immunity in our communities and declining case numbers, which in turn has seen declining demand on the health system from COVID-19.

The two key changes impacting education providers are:

  • The removal of the requirement for household contacts to isolate. Instead, they will be asked to test for COVID-19 for five days.
  • Masks are no longer required on public transport or school transport and in line with other mask changes, they are no longer strongly recommended in school settings.

Positive cases remain legally required to isolate for seven days. Anyone who is symptomatic, including household contacts, should stay at home and get tested for COVID-19.

Public Holiday Announced for death of Queen Elizabeth

Monday, September 26 will become a one-off public holiday.

I am away for the rest of the week at the New Zealand Principals' Federation Conference in Christchurch, leaving the school in the capable hands of the Leadership Team. Please contact Janine Clague, Senior School Dean, Garth Powell, Middle School Dean, or Natalie King, Junior School Dean for any issues or concerns during the week.

Best wishes to our tamariki performing at Polyfest this Wednesday.

Enjoy Te Wiki o te Reo Māori.

Ngā mihi nui
