There is a buzz in the Junior school as today is a Funky Friday. There are excited faces, a hive of activity and a hum of excitement!
Funky Friday is a time where the Junior School follow their passions and along with the support of some very kind Mum's and Dad's, share these passions with each other. The children lead an activity that they have prepared, organised and got all the necessary resources for. All children take part and they are encouraged to step up and become leaders as soon as they feel comfortable to do so. Last Friday there was great excitement as a number of the Room 9 and 10 children led an activity for the first time. This is huge for little people who have only been at school a wee while! They have watched the older children and found inspiration from the things they have been doing. We had art activities, gardening, craft, science, baking, hairdressing and even a rogue coconut that required some problem solving! It is fantastic to see the pleasure on the children's faces as they lead, interact, manage themselves and relate to others.
An observer watching the children would see the East Taieri vision of Empower, Inspire and Care being shown in so many ways. The Junior Team would like to say a huge thank you to the parents who help to get the children ready to take the big step to lead an activity.