Hero photograph
Photo by Garth Powell


Garth Powell —

Monday the 9th saw Leo, Courtney, Arielle and Ruan represent ETS at The Lit Quiz held at DNI. The quiz is designed for avid readers from Y5 - Y8.

They had to answer 100 questions over 10 rounds, each with a different theme.

Our team did really well competing against other teams predominantly from Intermediate and High Schools.

Alas, we did not win the finals and trip to Wellington, but good fun none the less!

Some reflections from the children;

There was a large variety of questions themed from Love to Lions.

Lions was our best round.

The audience could win prizes too - well done Rosie and Maya!

We had to look at images of monsters such as the golum, Loch Ness Monster and Big Foot.

Some questions were easy like what was the sequel to The Gruffolo? Or more tricky, such as;

Do you know who the Orangutan librarian is? Or the librarian in Harry Potter? Which city, in which book, is known as the city of masks?