Hero photograph
Photo by Jennifer Horgan


Jennifer Horgan —

‘E ako ana, ā, e tipu tahi ana tātou’ - Learning and growing together.

Kia ora Koutou

Welcome back to school for 2024, with a special welcome to our new families. We are pleased to welcome back Melanie Cruickshank and Hayley Miller, both returning from maternity leave. We also have two teacher trainees Lily Brabant and Hannah Pollock joining us this year for their final year of teacher training. Vicky Eden is joining the teaching team as a Release teacher in Kawakawa and Olivia Thompson and Ethan Horne join our support staff team as teacher assistants - Olivia in the Middle School and Ethan in the Junior School.

(Photos below - in order: Hannah, Lily, Ethan, Vicky, Olivia)

I hope that everyone has had a relaxing holiday break, enjoying special times with family and friends. We have had a fabulous day today to start the term and it was great to see students so settled in their new classes, happy catching up with friends.

We will be having a 'Whānau Connect/Meet the Teacher' evening on Wednesday 21 February when parents/caregivers will have have an opportunity to meet their children's teacher for a 5 minute catch up, sharing information about how children have settled in and setting goals together for 2024.

The new markings on the courts have certainly brightened up the court playing area. Special thanks to Fulton Hogan for sponsoring the coloured A-Z caterpillar and 4 square markings.

Enjoy the short week ahead.

Kā mihi nui

Jennifer Horgan