Hero photograph
Photo by Rachel Phillips


Rachel Phillips —

Sport is underway! 

We had our Yr 3/4 and Yr 5/6 Flippaball teams have their first game on Sunday, our 9 touch teams have their first game this afternoon and our 3 Futsal teams get underway on Tuesday and Wednesday. It has been so wonderful to see so many children wanting to be involved in summer sports.

Cricket: We will be entering teams into the Summer Smash and Girls Smash cricket competition this year. Summer Smash and Girls Smash cricket are school based programmes for years 3-6. It has been purposefully designed to offer all skill levels an opportunity to experience our game in a fun, inclusive format. Games usually take between 40-50mins, and all players receive an equal opportunity. Sessions take place on a Tuesday afternoon at 3.45pm. Please register on our school sports website if your child is keen to join in.


Flippaball results:

ET Dolphins - Yr 5/6 team

A great start to the FlippaBall season for the ETS Dolphins. Few wee nervous faces from the Year 5 players, their first time playing in the “big” pool, that soon disappeared once they were in! They all gave 110% and came away with a with 7-5 win against Anderson’s Bay School. Player of the day: James (MacAndrew Bay School) Special thanks to Ray and George for subbing in for the opposing team. 

ET Penguins - Yr 3/4 Team

Had a great start to their season with a win over George Street Normal School. It was great to see many new children giving flippaball a go. Ben O and Emma B showed their experience from last season and had strong performances for the team. Well done!