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East Taieri School

by Jolene Casey


Jolene Casey - March 10, 2019

Hockey skills for Year 1 and 2 children in Mosgiel for Term 2.

Funsticks is a great opportunity for our Year 1 and 2 children to get involved in hockey.   It is right here in Mosgiel at the Taieri College and run by Otago Hockey.  Funsticks is a 10 week programme for term 2 on a Friday from 3.30 - 4.30pm it's only $45 for the whole term and includes a t shirt.

The programme includes:

  • An introduction to hockey with an emphasis on having fun
  • An opportunity to develop fundamental skills- running, dodging, striking
  • A positive and quality coaching environment
  • Full involvement for all participants
  • Regular changes in activities to maintain enthusiasm and interest
  • A safe environment for all activities

To register please follow the link below: 

If you have any questions please contact Jolene Casey