Hero photograph
Photo by Jennifer Horgan


Jennifer Horgan —

E ako ana, ā, e tipu tahi ana tātou’ - Learning and growing together.

Kia ora Koutou

It seems hard to believe that rehearsals for end-of-year concerts are underway, as are Talent Quest auditions and we have started ticking off activities  from our end-of-year list of requirements.

It was great to be able to see our Year 6 students in action at camp last week. I was so impressed with the resilience shown at some of the more challenging activities, especially the climbing wall, high rope activitites and 'the leap of faith' where children had to leap from the top of the pole out towards a trapeze. The support and encouragement given to one another was fantastic, reflecting the great team spirit shown by the group.

Special thanks to the wonderful group of parents who helped at camp. 

A reminder that Home & School raffle tickets are to be back at school by this Wednesday.

Have a great week.

Ngā mihi nui

Jennifer Horgan