Hero photograph
Photo by Annette MacRae


Annette MacRae —

Congratulations to the following students who were presented with certificates at Room 5's Assembly last Friday.


VALUES -  Respect


Room 1

Olive Fulton Self Management

Ollie Esplin  - Value

Amelia Thorburn  - Excellence

Room 2

Van Couch - Self Management

Cooper Shrimpton  - Value

Ethan Cameron - Excellence

Room 3

Hunter Freeman  - Communicator

Olivia Wallace - Value

Daniel Grieve - Excellence

Room 4

Otis Quelch– Thinker

Kody Lungley - Value

Hunter Joss-Callaghan - Excellence

Room 5

Oliver Wang– Self Management

Bella Brough- Value

Brooke Loughrey  - Excellence

Room 6

Arlen Outram - Thinker

Grace Slocombe - Resilience

Noah Bryson - Value

Olivia Reid - Value

Summer Te Kanawa - Excellence

Jacob Glendining - Excellence

Room 8

Lily Mason – Collaborative

Ollie Elliott  - Value

Nicolas Cayford - Excellence

Room 9

Harper Higginson - Self Manager

Deklin Dunbar  - Value

Alice Connelly - Excellence

Room 10

Rielyn Clucas – Self Management

Paige Frith - Value

Paget Stevenson - Excellence

Room 11

James Dawson – Thinker

Cooper Patrick - Value

Charley Freeman  - Excellence

Room 12

Heidi Kerr  - Resilient

Jay Carter - Values

Kailee Johnstone  - Excellence