Hero photograph
Vision - Garden Scultpures
Photo by Garth Powell


Jennifer Horgan —

‘E ako ana, ā, e tipu tahi ana tātou’ - Learning and growing together

Kia ora koutou

Congratulations to our new Board of Trustees who have their first meeting tonight. Having had Karen Hanna and Andrew Hollands re-elected onto the Board provides continuity which is great. Hayley Rivett, Amanda Taia and Sam Lind are our new Board members, each bringing different strengths to the team. Janine Clague was re-elected as Staff Representative. We look forward to working together, ensuring the continuation of a high quality learning environment for our East Taieri students.

I hope that you have your quiz teams all sorted for Thursday night's Home & School Fundraiser Quiz. See article in the newsletter for further information.

Make sure that you have booked in for your mid-year parent/teacher interview or 3-way conference, 2/3 July. See booking details in newsletter.

Ngā mihi
