‘E ako ana, ā, e tipu tahi ana tātou’ - Learning and growing together.
Kia ora Koutou
Our students are so fortunate to have such a varied curriculum. There was such a range of activities happening across the school on Friday. It was great to see the different options students were leading during Discovery Time and Funky Friday.
As we were unable to have our normal assembly on Friday, Kohekohe and Nīkau - (Rooms 1 & 2) livestreamed their assembly from the church, enabling families and the rest of the school to watch. It was a fabulous assembly. Congratulations to Kohekohe and Nīkau.
Thank you to parents and whanau for working with us through this challenging term. We are hoping for a more normal Term 4!
Please support our Home & School Raffle and Mufti day fundraiser THIS Friday. A group of senior students will be also be selling cupcakes at $2 per cupcake. Thanks to Eterei Stonelake for supporting the students to organise this.
Wishing everyone a great holiday break with happy family times together.
Ngā mihi nui
Jennifer Horgan