The Taieri Hui Ako, which is a biannual event, was held last week at Fairfield School. We were lucky enough to be able to see lots of other schools on the Taieri perform their Kapa Haka items. The school’s we watched were Taieri College, Silverstream, Lee Stream, Outram, Abbotsford and Waihola. We enjoyed watching their performances and liked that Waihola performed a play as well as sang.
I thought that we performed well at the Taieri Hui Ako, and that we sang nice and clearly. I was really excited before hand. I had a wee bit of stage fright and was relieved when we got off the stage. I felt proud of myself too. Olive
I was really excited before we started singing. I really liked performing on the stage for the other schools. My favourite part of the day was watching the other school’s perform. Joel
It was nice to be able to see all the other school’s watching when I looked down off the stage. My favourite part of the afternoon was watching Waihola’s play about Hatupatu and the Birdwoman. Vann