Hero photograph
Photo by Jennifer Horgan


Jennifer Horgan —

These students were noticed by staff, parents or students as displaying our school Values in specific situations.

Jake Eckhold - for showing concern that all items were picked up off the field to make it safe for Ross to mow.

Year 6 leaders - for helping teachers with Digi Tech sessions.

Nate Roome - For stepping in to do road patrol with Mrs O'Neill.

Jenny Petegem Thach - for offering to be a buddy for a student who didn't have anyone to work with.

Lily McGrath, Courtney Smith, Connor Macdonald, Nate Roome, Nickolas Cayford, Meika Maitland, Jessie Roff, Harrison Corbett, Amaya Campbell and Hannah Anderson - for showing excellent leadership skills on Digi Tech Day.