Hero photograph
Photo by Garth Powell


Jennifer Horgan —


Kia ora koutou

With the heat last Wednesday, followed by the flooding on Thursday, our start to school wasn't without its challenges!

Thank you for the promptness with which parents collected their children once they knew that we had decided to close the school because of the rapidly rising creek. 

For those new to the school, our procedure for notifying parents of school closure due to flooding, snow, etc is via the radio - (MORE FM 97.4), our school website and our newsletter emailing list. Those not on the email list were contacted by phone. If you are not on the school newsletter email list, there is the facility on the website to subscribe. 

Enjoy Waitangi Day tomorrow.

Ngā mihi 



Being able to focus more on understanding children's progress and achievement across the whole curriculum, not having to label children as 'below,' 'at,' or 'above' the National Standard, has been met with a positive response from all of us. Measuring a child's progress, no matter how big or small, will allow teachers to focus more on how children are doing, day by day, and week by week. We will be looking at the assessment tools that best fit our own school context and meet the needs of our students, parents and Board of Trustees.