Hero photograph
Photo by Garth Powell


Annette MacRae —

Life Education Trust Parent Information

Harold the Giraffe and Pip, the Educator, are coming!

They are coming to your school soon!! Yay!

Who are Harold and Pip, you may ask? 

Well, they are the amazing duo who work in the Life Education Trust's mobile classroom. They help to provide children with the knowledge to make informed choices about their health, respect for others and to appreciate their uniqueness.

The programme helps children:

· develop life skills;

· make healthy choices;

· gain knowledge about their health and bodies;

· develop a sense of self esteem and a positive understanding of themselves;

· develop strategies for relating to others.

Please feel free to visit the Life Education Classroom and see what Harold and Pip get up to. You will be really entertained and informed especially with 3G technology used to enhance programme delivery.

Just contact your school or Pip (027 4893859) to organise a time.