Hero photograph
Vision - Garden Scultpures
Photo by Garth Powell


Jennifer Horgan —

‘E ako ana, ā, e tipu tahi ana tātou’ - Learning and growing together.

Kia ora koutou

At last week's Home and School meeting we found out that an amazing $30,000 had been raised at our fair. This is more than has ever been raised at a fair before and reflects the time and effort that went into ensuring that the day was such a success. $20,000 has been allocated for upgrading Rooms 7 & 8 into an innovative learning environment and $5,000 for having Chat Bus for an extra day at school next year to cater for the increasing demand for a councillor. We are so grateful for these contributions.

Details of income and expenditure from the Home & School Committee for the year are as follows:


$1728 - Mahkiki Fries

$1356 - Entertainment books

$1395 - Disco

$2175 - Quiz night

$2048 - Calendar Art

$800 - Uniform shop

$30050 - Fair

$919 - BBqs

$40 471 TOTAL


$540 - Wilson McCaskill is the Way' resources

$3000 - Swimming buses

$1300 - Leavers' books

$420 - Polyfest bus contribution

$300 - Talent Quest

$300 - Speech Cmpetitions

$300 - Stars on Stage

$6160 TOTAL

Practices for carol services are underway as final end-of-year celebrations draw near. Our Christmas card postbox is in the office foyer for children to post cards to friends throughout the school. Student Council members sort and distrubute cards each day.

School reports will be sent home on Friday.

Enjoy your week.

Ngā mihi
