Lisa Agnew — Mar 7, 2022

Camp Tirohanga Year 6 Leadership Day

On Monday the 28th of February the year sixes went to Tirohanga Camp to train for the whole school to train for the whole school Tirohanga Day.

When we finally got there, we got into our groups and went to our first activity - trust games with Miss Agnew. It was very hard to trust some people, but it was super fun.

Next we did the dayline with Miss B. It was challenging but I had two buddies; Felix and Jayden. After the dayline we got to play near the bivvies. My group kept building a bivvy.

Afterwards we had lunch. I was starving. Suddenly, people started screaming and running towards the gaga ball pit. I quickly finished eating and ran. I played a little, but we were soon put back into our groups. This time we were off to the confidence course with Miss Clague. Some of it was easy and some of it was hard. I persevered on the climbing wall and managed to get quite far.

Last of all were the climbing wall activities. I was very excited as it was my favourite. I was pushing people up the wall. At the end I had to jump and hold on for dear life to the people helping others to get over. I strained and managed to get my leg over. It was exhausting.

The girls won the Tug of War competition, so the boys got to select someone. I was elected, so off I went to the boys team. We won a few, but it was pretty even.

Finally it was home time, and I was exhausted but happy. It was such a fun day. I can’t wait for the Whole School Tirohanga Day.

By Elzanne

On Monday the 28th of February all the year sixes went to Tirohanga Leadership Day.

First my group went to the dayline, and boy, was it challenging! How it works is you find a buddy and one of you gets blindfolded. The other leads you along the string attached to trees. It feels amazing to take your blindfold off at the end.

Next, my group made our way to the confidence course. The confidence course was my favourite because I love climbing, jumping and balancing. First you had to walk along a high up balancing beam. This was the easiest for me. The hardest part was the one with ropes on each side and we had to use strategy and balance to get to the other side. I failed my first attempt but then succeeded the next time I tried.

The next activity was the high walls with Mr Thorn. First we decided who was going to boost everyone up, and that was Charlie and Jake. Natasha and Milla were up the top to help. We only did the first two walls because the third one was too high.

Our last activity was trust games with Miss Agnew. The first game was trust falls, where you have a buddy and a person falls back trusting the other person to catch them. It was very fun. Our second game involved mats. We were in two teams, girls vs boys, and had to use strategy to get our whole team to the other side.

Tirohanga Leadership Day was a very fun day.

By Madina

On Monday the 28th of February all the Year 6s go on the bus to Tirohanga Camp. We were taking part in the Year 6 Leadership training for the whole school to train for the whole school Tirohanga Day.

There were four different groups; 1, 2, 3 and 4. Each group started at a different activity. We began at the High Walls with Mr Thorn. We had to use all our strength and pursue our personal best to get over the about 2 metre wall.

At 10:30am we had morning tea and then we went to trust games with Miss Agnew. We had to trust each other very well. The first activity was the trust fall. My buddy was Charlotte J. We had to fall into each others arms and trust that the other person wouldn’t drop us. The next game we played was the mat game, where your team is trying to get all your mats and team members over the line. And then finally, the game we had all been waiting for, was Ga Ga. Ga Ga is ball game where everyone is in. The aim of the game is to try to be the last person standing, and the way to get the others out is to roll a ball across the pit and hit them below the knees.

Group 2 then headed to the dayline with Miss Bryson. Miss Bryson let us go and have a look at the dayline without being blindfolded and talked us through the health and safety rules. After that she let us choose a buddy and get started. There were three very big logs to climb over.

Our final activity, last but not least, was the confidence course. For some people it was challenging, and for others it was easy. There were different obstacles to get across, like the seesaw, the fireman’s pole and lots more.

My favourite activity was the trust games because we had to r=trust each other out there with our lives. It was awesome.

By Mikayla

On Monday the 28th of February, we went to Tirohanga Camp for Year 6 Leadership Day.  Boy oh boy, it was horrible - well for me it was.

First my group did the trust games, and it was hard, very hard.  It was hard to know if I could trust them.  We did a trust fall - SCARY!  Then we had to direct our buddy blindfolded.  My buddy thought there were poles and trees everywhere and when she took her blindfold off she was in the field with no trees.

Next we did dayline.  Heh.  So, I was blindfolded and my buddy was good at directing but I slipped all the time. "oof."  When it was my buddies turn I fell more than she did, and she was the one blindfolded.  Felix Smith started laughing at me, but he fell at the start with a big "THUMP!"  

So... anyway, after that we went to the confidence course.  The start was pretty easy.  The hardest part was the big X.  I slipped and fell, and yeah, it was so hard.  But, in a way, I got past that.  My favourite part was the swinging tyres.

Our last rotation was at the climbing walls.  The small wall was easy, but the middle one was hard because my shoes lost all the grip.  It was a challenge to get over.

We also had a tug of war competition that the girls won, of course, but I literally got dragged by the rope

Well that was my experience at Tirohanga Camp.

                                                                   By Christiana