Hero photograph
East Taieri School Vision
Photo by Garth Powell


Jennifer Horgan —

E ako ana, ā, e tipu tahi ana tātou’ - Learning and growing together.

Kia ora Koutou

Our Year 6 students head off to Camp Columba tomorrow for a week of great activities, so we're hoping for good weather for them. Year 4 students are looking forward to their Fun Day in Dunedin today, which we hope will make up for them missing out on their Year 4 museum sleepover earlier this year.

Thank you to Janine Bolton for organising a visit from the K9MD dogs and trainers on our mufti day fundraiser last Thursday. We raised $600 for this great cause. Thank you to everyone for your support. (See article and photos later in the newsletter.)

Staff have been concerned at the number of reported incidents of swearing as well as racist comments that have been heard in the playground over the past few weeks. Please remind children of our school values and expectations. Staff will be following up on such incidents and contacting parents.

On a more positive note, as staff have been completing end-of-year assessments they have been sharing some excellent student progress with me which will be reflected in end-of-year reports. At the end of such an unsettled year it is great to see that our continued focus on learning and student achievement has been successful despite the many disruptions and changes throughout the year.

ASB St John in Schools First Aid sessions are being held in classes this week. Topics covered are: Emergency/Camper Smart/Safety Smart for New Entrants to Year 2, Emergency/Camper Ready/Safety Ready for Year 3/4 and Emergency/Camper Responder/Safety Solver for Year 5/6. (See programme outline later in newsletter.)

Enjoy the week ahead.

Ngā mihi nui

Jennifer Horgan