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Jo Hackfath —

As part of our inquiry about 'Change' we made ice cream, ate it, and then wrote about it. Here are three examples from Room 10.

We were making ice cream and here is our list: salt, vanilla, sugar, cream, ice and plastic bags. Cream is a liquid and ice is a solid. So what changed? They put the ice in the big bag and they put the cream in the little bag and shook it and that is how we got ice cream.    Zoey

First Fiona put in 7 cups of ice and then Emma poured the cream into the plastic bag. Next they put the cream bag into the ice bag. The cream was liquid and then it turned solid.     Alice

Yesterday we made ice cream and we put sugar, salt, vanilla and cream into a little bag and ice into a big bag. It turned into ice cream. It was cold and delicious and scrumptious. It was a good surprise.      Georgia