Hero photograph
Vision - Garden Scultpures
Photo by Garth Powell


Jennifer Horgan —

‘E ako ana, ā, e tipu tahi ana tātou’ - Learning and growing together.

Kia ora koutou

I hope that everyone enjoyed Waitangi Weekend and that the short week ahead is a great one. We had a really positive start to the school year last week. It was great to see children happy to be back, keen to catch up with friends and check out new classes. We were so impressed with the independence and resilience shown by children as they left parents at the gate, especially our Juniors.

Thank you to parents for being so supportive and accommodating at drop off and pick up times and showing patience with the traffic congestion on Cemetery and Gladstone Roads.

Our Year 4 to 6 students are coping well with the  challenge of wearing masks, even during the hot days last week. Teachers are making sure that students have regular outside breaks, so that they can take masks off at regular intervals throughout the day.

Swimming starts today at Fairfield Pool for Junior and Middle School students. 

Enjoy the short week ahead.

Ngā mihi
