Hero photograph
Photo by Jennifer Horgan


Jennifer Horgan —

‘E ako ana, ā, e tipu tahi ana tātou’ - Learning and growing together.

Kia ora Koutou

It certainly was a very damp start to the term! Fortunately the creek had subsided by Wednesday night, enabling us to reopen the school for Thursday. Our grateful thanks to Ross our caretaker, for his close monitoring of the situation at school during the flooding and clean up efforts afterwards.

Discovery Time started last Friday with children leading a wide range of fun activities for others.

Renovations to the office area were completed over the holidays, making the area far more spacious and workable. 


Seven students tested positive for Covid last week - five in the Senior School, one in Middle School and one in the Juniors. One staff member also tested positive.

Hoping for some sunshine and warmer temperatures!

Ngā mihi nui
