Hero photograph
Photo by Jennifer Horgan


Jennifer Horgan —

‘E ako ana, ā, e tipu tahi ana tātou’ - Learning and growing together.

Kia ora Koutou

Welcome back for the final term of 2022. I hope that everyone has enjoyed a relaxing holiday with family and friends. With Term 4 being only nine weeks, it's going to be a busy one! Please make sure that you check the calendar for upcoming events.

Congratulations to all athletes who participated in the Dunedin Schools' Triathlon Champs during the last week of term. (See results in article later in the newsletter.) Special congratulations to those who qualified for the Otago Schools' Triathlon Champs taking place next month.


We welcome Nicole Wilson who will be teaching in Kawakawa, Room 7 for Term 4 and Jude Conway who will be team teaching with Sarah Esplin in the New Entrant Area - Kauri & Karaka in the Junior School end of the Owhiro Centre.

Welcome also to Laura Vaughan and Aimee O'Connor, second year teacher trainees who are here for a 5 week placement with Miss Clague and Miss Agnew in Kohekohe and Nīkau - Rooms 1 & 2.

Sarah O'Neill will be Acting Dean of the Middle School for Term 4.


A reminder that school sunhats are to be worn this term. Please make sure that your child has a named sunhat.

It has been great to see everyone looking refreshed and happy to be back for the new term.

Enjoy the long weekend ahead.

Ngā mihi nui
