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East Taieri School

by Jennifer Horgan


Jennifer Horgan - April 1, 2023

'Kia hora te marino, kia whakapapa pounamu te moana, kia tere te kārohirohi i mua i tōu huarahi'.May the calm be widespread, may the ocean glisten as greenstone, may the shimmer of light ever dance across your pathway. (For Christine)

It was with great sadness that we learnt that Christine Wright, a treasured member of the East Taieri staff for over 30 years, passed away peacefully last Thursday evening after a short illness. Christine played such an important part in the life of East Taieri School, primarily in her role as Teacher Assistant, but also in the way that she cared about everyone - staff and students. She would willing do any task asked of her and her knowledge of the the school and its resources was amazing. Christine loved being on our East Taieri team, especially working with our Junior students, building positive relationships with them and supporting them throughout their school days.

Natalie King wrote a poem for Christine which I would like to share:

An Ode to my Special Friend - Mrs Christine Wright

A long time ago way back in 1991

The lovely Mrs Wright, second to none

At East Taieri School she did start

A special lady with a very big heart.

Humble and generous, and oh so very kind

Always doing for others, sharing she didn’t mind

From tea towels and dishes, to those sandpit toys

And oh the hours, looking after our rascally boys!

Some cups might be needed, maybe an urn

With the blink of an eye and a very quick turn,

The special Mrs Wright would always be there

Never a grumble, always with care.

The sound of tape, on the back of a book

Many many hours she spent, never off the hook.

Don’t forget the bookroom, so orderly and just right -

The main office, of our dear Mrs Wright.

The expert pikelet maker, many she made

In multiple classes, the skills she displayed!

The bags she packed and the pants she changed

And oh the many resources she did arrange

A listening ear, always at the ready

Empathetic and loyal, keeping us all steady.

The seat at the church, reserved sign showing

Will always be yours, when we are going.

East Taieri School won’t be the same.

But we will always remember you and your name.

The East Taieri bookroom will now be called

‘The Christine Wright Resource Room’ sign will be installed

We love you, we’ll miss you

But please always know

The things you have taught us

Will continue to grow.

Natalie King February 2023

Because all staff would like to attend Christine's funeral on Wednesday afternoon, we would appreciate it if students could be collected by 2pm please. Parents who are accompanying us on the school tramp will be able to take children home on their return to school after the tramp. There will be limited cover for students whose parents are unable to collect them prior to 2pm. Kelly Club will be running as usual.

If you are unable to collect your child prior to 2pm can you please let your child’s teacher know, or inform the office by Tuesday at 3pm.

Thank you for your understanding at this sad time.

East Taieri School Staff