Hero photograph
Photo by Natalie King-Begg


Natalie King-Begg —

At the end of Term 3, we held a technology challenge. It was a great success!

During the last 2 weeks of Term 3, a number of children took part in a challenge, designed to test their collaborative, thinking and creative skills. This challenge was held during a lunch hour and over 50 children turned up. The children organised themselves into teams of 3 or 4 and had to complete a set task in a specific time frame. For this task the groups had to make a device to send a satellite in the air for a specific period of time. The satellite then had to detach from the thing that had sent it into the air (for most groups this was a balloon).

There was a lot of noise, laughter, chaos and mess!! But there were some very interesting creations. Some groups really thought about the task and came up with ideas that were out of the box. 

The children have asked for this to be a more regular activity - so watch this space if we are looking for junk etc!! Well done to everyone who took part and a huge thank you to Finn Wilson who helped me set the task, organise the materials and oversee the event.