Hero photograph
Photo by Annette MacRae


Annette MacRae —

'Seeking Actors and Extras' - No experience necessary.

We are currently casting for a photoshoot: 'Grandparents' (60s) and 'Grandkids' (2 children, ages 5-10 yrs). Particularly Italian/Spanish or Asian (anywhere) looks. For paid work, 1-2 days in Dunedin. No need to be actual relatives.

If you fit the 'look', or want to know more, please get in touch right away! Occasional film, television, and tv commercial opportunities. There's no cost to list with us - we get paid when you do! For all ages, looks, experience and backgrounds.

Please contact Ellie Swann: otagoactors@gmail.com, 021 24 22 221, www.otagoactors.co.nz