Hero photograph
Photo by Natalie King-Begg

Principal's Message

Natalie King-Begg —

‘E ako ana, ā, e tipu tahi ana tātou’ - Learning and growing together.

Kia ora Koutou

Parent Interviews

Last week we held parent interviews. We were so pleased to see so many parents come along, and to see our Year 4-6 students lead their learning conversations so successfully.

The online reports on HERO also went well. Thank you to everyone for being patient, carefully following instructions and signing up to HERO.

Dangerous Decibels

Dawn from Dangerous Decibels ran some sessions with the Senior children last Thursday.

The Dangerous Decibels project is a public health campaign designed to reduce the incidence and prevalence of Noise-Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL) and tinnitus (ringing in the ear). Students discovered just how important it can be to “Turn it Down!”, “Walk Away” and how to “Protect Ears”. With the help of scientific tools, students measured sound, learned about decibels, and explored sound and the way it travels, and how they can protect their hearing for years to come!

The sessions were informative and enjoyed by everyone.

COVID Update

Over the past week, three students tested positive for Covid - two in the Junior School and one in the Middle Team.

Cultural Assembly

On Wednesday the children will be sharing the Cultural Assembly. It will be livestreamed - the link will be shared on Wednesday morning, before the assembly takes place. Check in with your class teacher for further information.

Have a wonderful holiday with your children. Take time to rest and we will look forward to seeing everyone back safe and well in Term 3.

Kind regards,

Natalie (standing in for Jennifer)