Hero photograph
East Taieri School Vision
Photo by Garth Powell


Jennifer Horgan —

‘E ako ana, ā, e tipu tahi ana tātou’ - Learning and growing together.

Kia ora Koutou

Teachers were involved in a highly successful professional development day last Friday, working with Rob Proffitt-White, Director of Maths: Teaching and Learning, The Learner First - Aotearoa and Australia. The day was spent looking at a balanced maths approach, integrating Inquiry Maths with elements of procedural and conceptual understandings within Mathematics. Relooking at the delivery and assessment of Maths is in-line with the new Curriculum Refresh taking place over the next five years. The national curriculum for schooling is to be refreshed during this time to ensure that it is clearer, more relevant and easier to use.

Although parents were unable to watch our cultural assembly live last week, being able to livestream the fantastic performances from the children was a great opportunity for students to showcase their talents and hard work - see article later in newsletter. Thank you to the East Taieri church team for being so accommodating during these challenging times.


The Leadership Team will shortly be looking at composition of classes for next year. Should you wish to discuss placement of your child/children for next year regarding academic, social issues, etc, please contact me by phone or email, or contact the office to make an appointment to see me by THURSDAY 18 NOVEMBER. 

A reminder about the school structure for next year:

To enable us to organise the school within our staffing entitlement, this means that for 2022 16 Year 4s will move to the Senior School. There will be 36 Year 4s, 51 Year 3s and 19 Year 2s in the in the Middle School.

The school structure will be:

Kohekohe/R1 Yr 6

Nīkau/R2 Yr 6

Pohutakawa/R3 Yr 4/5

Kahikitea/Room4 Yr 4/5

Kawakawa/Room7 Y3/4

Totara/Room 8 Y3/4

Kānuka/Room 5 Yr 2/3

Kōwhai/Room 6 Yr 2/3

Mataī/Room 11 Yr 2

Mānuka/Room 12 Yr 2

Rata/Room 9 Yr 0/1

Rimu/Room 10 Yr 0/1

Kauri/Room 13 Yr 0/1

Staffing is yet to be confirmed.


It is great to see the number of raffle tickets that have already been sold, with so many families coming back for more cards. Thank you to everyone for supporting this fund-raising venture.

Enjoy the lovely weather and the week ahead.

Ngā mihi nui

Jennifer Horgan