Hero photograph
Photo by Jolene Casey


Jolene Casey —

Register NOW, don't miss out on a space in a team.

Our Futsal teams were so successful last year and the children loved it so much, we are entering more teams for this year.

Children from Year 1 - 6 are eligible to play if we have enough numbers for a team.  Futsal is played on a Tuesday or Wednesday afternoon depending on age group at the Edgar Centre in Dunedin and the fees are approximately $60 per child for the term.

If your child is keen to continue playing or is new to futsal and would love to have a go this term please register their interest via the link below. All registrations need to be done before Thursday 7th of February as we have to enter our teams now, so get in early and don't miss out! Payment doesn't need to be made until mid February though.

Registration Link:- https://goo.gl/forms/n06H4mbOnp3Peyys1

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact Jolene Casey - jolene@east-taieri.school.nz