Hero photograph
Photo by Janine Clague


Janine Clague —

What an extraordinary start to Term 2 we have had; parents, teachers and students learning together. It has been wonderful to see the children on Zoom meetings each day to hear about children’s wonderful home learning experiences and have some fun along the way. The photos on Seesaw have been a great insight into the new and exciting learning they have completed over the last three weeks from reading, writing, making ziplines, Anzac Day activities, learning about Autumn, making lego creations, welding to building and so much more.

Students have seen the many advantages and disadvantages of home learning, but overall have enjoyed the experience. Not having to rush in the mornings, having time for reading, crafts, baking and outside activities; but most of all spending quality time with family.

We are all excited to be heading back to school and catching up with each other in person again.

A big thank you from Miss Agnew, Miss Clague, Mrs Casey, Sue and Anna to all of the parents for helping to make your children's home learning so successful. We know that at times this would have been challenging, and we really appreciate your support.

Please visit our Seesaw blog to view some photos of our creative learners


Lingering around for important announcements.
Observing Anzac soldiers who fought for our country.

Crazy mess scattered through the house.
Keeping myself entertained with mouth watering baking.
Dancing my way through covid-19.
Opportunity for quality time with my family.
Wondering eagerly when I'm going to see my friends again.
Not thinking about what could possibly happen to the world.


Isolation is as black as a night sky

It tastes like homemade cooking

It smells like mums baking

It looks like mowing the lawns

It sounds like lawn mowers getting started

It feels lonely

Jack L


Noisy, Bizarre

Baking, Learning, Biking

Staying Home, Staying Safe




Loud, Fun

Learning, Baking

Staying safe, staying healthy



Lock down

Mayhem, freedom

Learning, fighting, playing

Exercise, noisy, staying safe,

Safe place



If isolation were a colour, it would be white.

If isolation had a taste, it would taste like homemade baking.

If isolation had a smell, it would be smelly brothers.

If isolation had a look, it would be bike rides and youtube.

If isolation had a sound, it would be the sound of Dad talking

If isolation had a feel, it would feel like a comfy bed.


Learning from home - List 5 things you like about learning from home and 5 things you don’t like:

Things I do like about learning from home:

  1. I don't have to sit on the floor

  2. I’m always on a laptop

  3. I’m at home the whole time

  4. Zooooooom meetings

  5. Sitting beside my mum so she can help me

Things I don’t like about learning from home:

  1. Not being able to see friends

  2. Lots of work

  3. Not being able to play sports

  4. Annoying brothers

  5. More work


Things I like about home school
● Doing more activities outside
● Having shorter days
● Choosing what time I do things
● Not having to rush to school every morning
● Not doing DMIC

Things I don't like about home school
● Not seeing my friends in person
●When mum is to busy teaching her class to teach me
● Not being able to ask my teachers about questions
●Only having my brother to play with
● Having to do more chores at home
