Room 1 and 2s 'Quick Writes' inspired by Tuesday's sunrise.
As I arrive at school I see the most colourful sky in History. It looks like a mix of plums and blueberries. The trees look black in front of the bright sky. The basketball hoop looks like part of the sky, it blends in.
Jac Thompson
Swinging to a shut, the gate pulls itself from my light grip, as I stare at the bewildering sky. Silhouettes of trees make a black as night outline standing below the peach, cotton candy clouds. The classroom lights buzz in the darkness and is all you can see of school. A lone hoop stands at the end of the old gravel court, waiting just waiting to be used. Whoosh! The soldiers armed with leaves suddenly sway to and fro, as a brisk breeze brings shivers up my spine. Whoosh, swish, rustle, rustle!
Emily Russell
Jogging into school I can see the multicoloured sky overlooking the courts. The trees sway in the wind making a rustling noise while casting humongous shadows. All the classrooms have their lights on ready for the day to begin. I can hear birds chirping in the distance.
Josh Grieve
As mum kicks me out of the car I stroll through the gate. I am greeted by the amazing silhouettes that are standing adjacent to the classrooms. Some people say "Red sky in the morning, sailors warning". The old crusty classes light the courts. A wonky basketball hoop sits all alone, waiting to be used.
Angus Crosby-Kaye
Towering over me the silhouettes, black as night stand adjacent to the brightly lit classrooms. The sky is filled with bright colours like molten lava spilling out of a volcano in the sky. Seeping over the hills the bright light of dawn greets me. "Hey Zack" I hear as the first person arrives at school.
Zack Gallagher