Hero photograph
Photo by Jolene Casey


Jolene Casey —

Is your child keen to get into cricket, but hasn't joined a club team? Superstar Cricket for boys and Girls Smash for Girls is a great option to begin playing.

Superstar Cricket and Girls Smash are entry level games, best suited to boys and girls from 5-12 years old, and designed to help participants learn the basics of cricket in an enjoyable and exciting environment.

If your child is keen to get involved we will try and get enough together to create an East Taieri Team.  Gather up a group of friends and encourage others to join you.  We will require a parent that is willing to 'Manage' the team each week too.

Superstar Cricket for the boys and Girls Smash for the girls is played on a Tuesday afternoon at Brooklands Park in Mosgiel from 4pm.  There are 6 in a team, batting in pairs and it's played with a soft ball (girls).  The competition runs from Tuesday 19th of Feb until Tuesday 19th of March.  Best of all it is FREE and the girls also receive a free Girls Smash T Shirt.

If your child is keen please fill out the registration form on the link below before Thursday 7th of February.  If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact Jolene Casey    jolene@east-taieri.school.nz 

Please register here:  https://goo.gl/forms/z0EJ1UDUJqaQHOxF2