Hero photograph
East Taieri School Vision
Photo by Garth Powell


Jennifer Horgan —

‘E ako ana, ā, e tipu tahi ana tātou’ - Learning and growing together.

Kia ora Koutou

Fortunately the fine weather continues, meaning that children are still able to spend as much time as possible outside, getting lots of fresh air.


After the Middle School being hit the hardest with Covid initially, of the fourteen confirmed cases since Friday, all except one have been in the Junior and Senior School - seven in the Senior School and six in the Junior School.

We await with interest for the outcome of Cabinet's review of the country's traffic light settings today, wondering whether there will be any impact on schools.

Thank you again to parents and whanau who have been keeping children with symptoms at home, as well as keeping us up-to-date with information on children who are self-isolating because of positive cases in families.

Mask wearing for our students Year 4 and above and for adults remains in place in indoor spaces and we are encouraging our Year 3 students who are in composite Year 3/4 classes to wear masks as well.  We also continue to focus on basic hygiene such as washing hands regularly, covering any coughs and sneezes, and cleaning surfaces regularly.

Ngā mihi nui
