Jennifer Horgan — Aug 24, 2020

‘E ako ana, ā, e tipu tahi ana tātou’ - Learning and growing together.

Kia ora koutou

As it was announced this afternoon that we will be remaining at Alert level 2 until further notice, we will continue to follow the guidelines outlined below:

Because of the limited space in our carpark, to avoid congestion we are releasing Junior children and their siblings early - Rooms 9,10,13 &14 at 2.40pm and Rooms 11 & 12 at 2.45pm. Siblings may leave at these times. If you are unable to collect your children at these times please let your child's teacher know and children will be brought to the carpark gate at 3pm.

If you are a parent collecting children from the Middle or Senior School, please delay your pick up time until 2.50pm as children will not be leaving their classrooms until 3pm. Alternatively, you could encourage your children to meet you at one of our safe Drop Off Zones - see website.



Thank you for your continued support during this ongoing challenging time.

Ngā mihi nui

Jennifer Horgan