Hero photograph
Photo by Jolene Casey


Jolene Casey —

Road Safety week is on 17-23 May. The week aims to inspire communities to take action on road safety and promote life-saving messages during the week and beyond.

We feel every week should be Road Safety week, but his week we are having a real focus on our road safety around our school.

Please ensure you are talking to your children about road safety messages.

Ensure you are role modelling the road safety rules.

We will be on the look out for parents taking extra in care in and around our carpark areas and on the roads outside our school.

The children will have access to a variety of road safety activities throughout the week.  Please take this opportunity to have some discussions at home about the key road safety messages.

The theme for 2021 is SPEED.

Speed is a significant road safety issue.  Vehicle speed plays a part in every crash; the faster you're travelling, the longer it takes to stop and the bigger the forces involved in a crash, meaning people are more likely to be killed or seriously injured.  

SLOW DOWN around school and children PLEASE.