Annette MacRae — Aug 10, 2023

Enrolment at East Taieri School is governed by an enrolment scheme. The details of which are available from the school office and on the school website.

If you live in the home zone of East Taieri School, your child has automatic right of entry. If you plan to enrol your child at East Taieri School for 2024 but have not yet notified the school, please contact the school office as soon as possible. 

If you live outside of the school’s home zone you do not have automatic right of enrolment. Please read the following carefully.


The Board of Trustees has determined that there is likely to be a limited number of places available for Out-of-Zone New Entrant students turning five between 1 January – 31 December 2024 and no places for out-of-zone Year 1-6 students.  (NB:  if you have a child already attending East Taieri School, you will be eligible).

Applications for enrolment for Out-of-Zone New Entrant students close at 3pm on Friday 22 September 2023

Any queries please contact the office 03-489-6737 or  To enrol students go onto our website

If out-of-zone applications exceed the number of places available, a ballot will be held.

Jared Hayes


East School Board of Trustees