by Jennifer Horgan

SCHOOL TRAMP - Wednesday 5th April

Jennifer HorganApril 2, 2023

As part of our current Inquiry 'Our Journeys'  the whole school will be going on a tramp  This will take place on Wednesday 5th April and the children will be exploring different parts of Saddle Hill. We will start the tramp from school.

The tramp will be broken into 4 stages, according to the age and ability of the children. There will be an initial target point for those who require support. The Junior Team will walk halfway up Saddle Hill. The Middle Team will walk three quarters of the way up and the Senior children will walk to the top. The idea behind this is by the time they have finished East Taieri School all children would have made it to the top.

The children will need a packed lunch, water bottle, snacks or scroggin for stops along the way, a waterproof jacket and warm clothing and shoes suitable for walking. Children will wear Mufti.

If the weather is very cold and wet, cancellations will be on HERO, Hail, the school’s Facebook page, and the school website from 7.30 am. The tramp will provide a great opportunity for the children to enjoy and appreciate our beautiful outdoors.

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