Photo by Katrina Ferguson
A day in the life of....
The Senior School day at Ellesmere College looks slightly different to the Junior School - here's a brief outline.
Senior Students (11-13) are allowed to bring their phones to school, however they can only use their phone with the express permission of their individual teachers or Kaitiaki.
Phone use is not allowed during intervals and lunchtimes, unless permission is given. We ask that students have their phones turned off and in their bags during school hours.
All about the Senior School:
Senior School Structure
- Principal - Mr Ronan Bass
- Deputy Principal - Mr Bert Knops
- Head of Senior School - Mr Antony French
- Year 13 Kaitiaki – Mr Sam Lemon
- Year 12 Kaitiaki - Mr Sam Lemon
- Year 11 Kaitiaki - Mrs D'Arcie Ley
Senior School Support team
- Ms Deborah Poorter - Student Services / Attendance
- Mrs Janise Clark - Student Services / School Accounts / Finance
- Ms Katrina Ferguson - Student Services
- Mrs Liz Young - Guidance HOD (
- Mr Chris O'Connell - Head of Sports
- Mrs Zodie Bonnett - Director of International Students
- Mrs Dianne Knops - Head of Learning Support
- Mrs Kelly Anderson - Gateways Coordinator / Careers Advisor
- Black, polishable, lace-up shoes
- Plain black socks (no logos, no images, no brand names)
- Shorts or Long pant
- (2023) Year 11s - NEW UNIFORM check shirt
- (2023) Year 12s - CURRENT UNIFORM white shirt and senior tie.
- Ellesmere College Jacket and/or Jersey (if cold or wet)
- Neat and tidy hair and clean shaven.
- Year 13s - Smart Casual mufti
A day in the life of a Senior Student
- Year 11 - At school all day and no study periods. Students cannot leave school during the day unless a Leave Pass is issued.
- Year 12 - Some students have supervised study periods provided, however students are not permitted to leave school during study periods. Can drive a car to school (MUST obtain a car permit, and abide by the conditions of their license). Students cannot leave school during the day unless a Leave Pass is issued.
- Year 13 - Some students have supervised study periods, however students are not permitted to leave school during study periods. Students can drive to school (MUST obtain a car permit, and abide by the conditions of their license). Year 13 students are permitted to leave School during Interval and Lunch without a Leave Pass but they MUST sign out and back in at the Main Office.
Academic Attainments
- Year 11 - Students must attain a minimum of 10 Literacy and 10 Numeracy credits at level one.
- Year 12 - 60 credits at level 2 or above + 20 credits from any level
- Year 13 - 60 credits at level 3 or above + 20 credits from level 2 or above
- University Entrance - 14 credits in three approved subjects/domains, in addition to the above.
- All three year levels must also meet their attendance and engagement criteria.