Zodie Bonnett — Feb 28, 2023

Zodie Bonnett is our Director of International Students at Ellesmere College - Te Kareti o Waihora.

Kia ora!

Taking on this role coming out of a pandemic was exciting, like most other schools Covid changed how we ran an International department. Fortunately I have an amazing team behind me, helping to grow the Ellesmere College International department into something not only the school but the local community can be proud of.

Welcoming International Students gives our school a new dimension, enabling our wonderful domestic students the chance to learn about different cultures they otherwise may not have been privy to.

Term 1 has seen students arriving from Japan and Thailand, later on this year we have students arriving from Korea, Singapore and China.

I am fortunate enough to have visited some of these amazing countries on marketing trips, it has given me a real insight into the International Students culture, home life and school life. I hope that we can continue to grow our International Programme and welcome students from our existing partnership countries but also new ones.

A huge part if what makes an International Programme work is our wonderful homestay families, this can be a very rewarding experience, we have short term students ranging from anywhere from a 1 week trial to a 3 year pathway education continuing into University.

This year we will be welcoming many groups, these students will be enrolled with us for 2 weeks.

(If you would like to receive information on how to become a homestay family please see details of our homestay coordinator below)

Home Stay Coordinator- Loretta Sloan: 
