Hero photograph
Photo by Katrina Ferguson

School Communication

Katrina Ferguson —

We are a large organisation with over 60 staff and nearly 500 students. We try to communicate with parents in a variety of different ways.

This is predominantly through our website, via email, txt, app notifications or our Facebook page. It is important that you read emails which are sent to you by the school and keep up-to-date via the School Calendar on our Parent/Student Portal (which can be accessed from every page on our website and through our school app) or our Facebook page.

Your key contact will be your son/daughter's Hapori/Ako teacher and they should be your first port of call if you need information or have an issue that you may be worried about.

Alternatively you can contact the Year Level Kaitiaki for more serious issues.

The easiest way to contact any staff member is via email.

We strongly encourage you to download our school app as in emergencies you will be alerted via push notifications on our app. You can download our app by searching for SchoolAppsNZ in the Apple Store or Google Store.