by Katrina Ferguson

Whānau Spirit

This term for Whānau Spirit , Ellesmere College has its first Taskmaster challenges.

These are assigned every week to each year level to test their teamwork, communication and problem solving in a fun and competitive way! 

All students from year 7-13 are able to participate in these, and will add points towards the overall whānau shield!

 Additionally, the student leaders have been running multiple events to engage students at lunchtime and award points. This has ranged from quizzes, sports games, art contests and much more!

The current points are as follows: in 4th place,Tōtora with 649. 3rd is currently Rimu with 678. Recently Rāta dropped to second with 726 points. Kōwhai has now moved into first place with 733!

A new badge system has also kickstarted this year by rewarding those who are always showing whānau spirit and our school RISE values at these events. 

We already have our first 5 students who have earned their badge and they will receive these at the next full school assembly.