by Katrina Ferguson

Year 8

Celebration Assemblies

We continue to celebrate our high achievers and those students who are determined to make a change in their learning in our Celebration Assemblies. Our certificate winners at the end of Term 2 and the start of Term 3 are as follows:


Maddie Rushton

Aakriti Nuapane

Jeff Battad

Holly Twamley

Grace Rockhouse

RISING PHOENIX - Showing improved behaviour

Quinn Beswick

Blake Seymour

Gus Mackie

Lucas Stredwick

Mason McCormick

FAIR PLAY AWARD - Showing sportsmanship during PE

Ethan Makgill

Lachlan Christian

Levi Coughlan

RANGATIRATANGA - Leadership and chieftanship

Tom King

Ben Lough

Harlem Anglem-Clarke

Cameron Moffatt

KAITIAKITANGA - Care for the environment

Charlotte White

Nixon Scott

Ben Lough

Amber Peace

Megan Johnson

STRIVING FOR SUCCESS - Academic/personal achievement or improvement

Marcus Daniels

Lincoln Reid

Maya Robertson

Kate Rawstron

Abby Nairn

Olivia Taylor

Maggie Reid

Ethan Amyes


Jaden Brydon

Emily Tubb

Molly Michael

We would like to express our gratitude and appreciation to all our certificate winners and congratulate all the 8Ako learners who are making a difference.