Hero photograph
Photo by Katrina Ferguson

2023 New Uniform Requirements

Katrina Ferguson —

Firstly, thank you so much to ALL our families who have purchased the new uniform for their child(ren), and for being so patient with some stock issues that arose! The students are looking great and very smart in their new gear!

The College went through a robust and thorough community consultation across a two year period regarding the uniform and uniform regulations. This included gaining community feedback on the old uniform, hair/jewellery/make-up/piercings regulations and feedback on the new uniform. In total there were over 1500 submissions.

NZ Uniforms is open from 9am-4pm tomorrow. For the small number of students who attended school today wearing incorrect uniform items you have the opportunity tomorrow to sort this out.

Correct school uniform for your child's year level must be worn from Tuesday onwards. This is a condition of entry as per your signed enrolment contract. Failure to meet your obligations under this contract may mean that you will be contacted to pick up your child to sort out their uniform.

Image by: Katrina Ferguson

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