by Katrina Ferguson

Year 10 Ako

Welcome from the year 10 Ako Team

Firstly Ms Cramer, Mrs Stevenson, Mrs Sidorenko and Mr Packer would like to say a big thank-you to all of the parents, carers and whānau who came in for the PST conferences at the end of week three.

It felt like such a positive, forward-looking way to start the year and it is so good to have been able to meet each other as we will be working collectively to support the students this year.

NCEA Numeracy and Literacy Credits

Many of the Year 10 students are going to be offered the chance to work towards gaining NCEA credits in literacy, numeracy or both areas this year.

Watch out for more detail on this coming home as different options will suit different students, so your child will only be involved in activities when they are ready and it is right for them.

Term One Curriculum

Ellesmere College has had a shared focus on culture and diversity for Term One, so ākonga have been learning about genetics, cells and whakapapa in science to develop knowledge of how people and animals have been shaped. 

In our integrated unit,’No Place to Call Home’ they have tackled the hard hitting topic of forced migration and refugees. This area of learning has entered the inquiry stage from this week, which means that the students can now pursue their own interests to take the topic deeper, and the Ako teaching team are excited to see where the work will head. 

Students have also been exploring different cultures through artworks which has led to creating their own cultural banners. These will be on display at Exhibition Evening in week 10, but for those of you that don’t want to wait, here are a few to give you a taste of what you will see…