Hero photograph
Photo by Elmwood Reception

Offers of Sponsorship and Donations for the MLGT


To honour the life and legacy of our much-loved teacher, friend and colleague Isaac Levings, The Mr Levings Golf Tournament (MLGT) will be held on Monday 25th September at Clearwater Golf Course.

With the support of the school and the Levings family, this event will raise money to fund an artificial turf or court in honor of Mr Levings, following the completion of the rebuild.

This will be a legacy for all the current and future children off Elmwood and the wider community to continue their sporting passions.

Ticket sales and more information about the day will be coming out from the 7th of August but in the meantime...WE NEED YOUR HELP!

To make this a successful event we need offers of sponsorship and donations for auction items and prizes. Do you own, know someone or work for a business that would be interested in:

· Providing sponsorship towards the cost of the event

· Sponsoring a hole of golf for $500

· Providing an experience or item to be used as a prize or to be auctioned

· Do you have time to help on the day with setting up, running a BBQ or packing up?

If you have an item, service or experience to gift or would like to make a direct donation to our goal, please contact Amie Bingham, on amiebing@gmail.com to discuss further.