Hero photograph
Photo by Yvonne Nicholson

Principal's Message Term 4, Week 5

Alasdair Maclean —

Term 4 is flying by! We have had students attend the Interschool cross country, William Pike students attended the longest day and the Pakihi team made it to the top of Trig! Amazing work šŸ™‚

Horowhenua Teachers Union Meeting Wednesday 16th November 2022

On Wednesday 16th November, our teachers will be attending union meetings. We would appreciate your support by collecting children at 1.pm to allow our teachers to attend the meeting.

The NZEI Union have called their meeting to speak with teachers about a range of issues, including teacher shortage, more resources/staff to support children with additional learning needs and pay.

We would appreciate your support by collecting children at 1 pm on Wednesday 16th November 2022.

I encourage you to support your teachers as they strive to achieve the changes which will safeguard quality education for all children and ensure we make teaching an attractive profession for graduates. 

Lunch with Whānau/Family

The Hauora Student Leadership Team have been meeting to discuss ideas to support students across our school with hauora/wellbeing. They identified the Taha Whānau - Family/Social dimension of Te Whare Tapa Whā (holistic model of health) as a dimension they would like to support at school. The students came up with the idea of inviting families to Lunch with Whānau/Family. This will be a simple event of families popping into school and bringing their own packed lunch. Students will bring their packed lunch as normal. It is a time for us to take time out to sit together to eat our lunch together with family. This will be on Tuesday 29th November at 12.45p.m. We look forward to seeing you then - just pop into your child's class. Siblings can meet together to eat.  

William Pike Students - Longest Day!

Our William Pike students finished off their year with Fairfieldā€™s Longest Day. The students met at trig on Friday morning to begin their day. They walked up trig, and over to a lookout. They then came back down and walked the entire length of Queen Street to have lunch at Lake Horowhenua. Next, the students headed to the pools for a swim. Lastly, they walked or ran back to school for well deserved pizza and prize giving. They walked a total of 31 000 steps which was around 21kms. It certainly was the longest and toughest day and they showed true grit and determination to make it through.

William Pike - Longest Day ā€” Image by: Gemma Wardlaw
William Pike - Longest Day ā€” Image by: Gemma Wardlaw

Pakihi's Trig Trip

Pakihi Team, Year 5/6 ākonga enjoyed a wonderful day up Trig. We were very proud of the students who demonstrated perseverance and courage. The trig walk supported our conceptual curriculum theme of Hauora/Wellbeing as students participated in physical activity at our stunning local environment of Trig. 

Pakihi Team Year 5/6 Trig Trip  ā€” Image by: Yvonne Nicholson
Image by: Yvonne Nicholson

šŸŽ¤ Christmas Disco!! šŸ•ŗ

Thursday 1st December we will be having a Christmas Disco! This will be held here at our Fairfield School hall.

Puna-Oho and Te Kama will have their disco from 5.30-6.30pm.

Pakihi and Raekura will have their disco from 7.00pm-8.30pm.

Come along dressed up christmas themed. Spot prizes for best costumes!

šŸ“… Upcoming Dates:

  • Wednesday 16th November - Teacher's Union Meeting, could children please be collected at 1pm so our teachers can attend this meeting.
  • Thursday 17th November 9 am - Year 6 technology visit to Waiopehu College.
  • Wednesday 23rd November - Puna-oho Cross Country 9-10am
  • Wednesday 30th November - Puna-oho visit to Nga Manu Nature Reserve
  • Thursday 1st December - Christmas Disco!
  • Wednesday 7th December 5.30pm - Puna-oho/Te Kama cushion concert
  • Thursday 15th December 7 pm - Year 8's Graduation at Waiopehu College
  • Friday 16th December - Last day of Term 4 (half day) school finishes at 12 pm

Kind regards,

Image by: Alasdair Maclean


Alasdair Maclean