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Zoning Information

Fairfield School —

Fairfield School is zoned, please check that you live in the school zone before expressing interest to enrol your child

Effective 14 December 2021 Fairfield School Zone

Image by: Fairfield School

All students who live within the zone described below and shown on the attached map shall be entitled to enrol at Fairfield School.  The established geographic (or home zone) of Fairfield School for its enrolment policy is set out below:

  • The scheme runs along The Avenue (SH1) 28 - 138 and 27 – 119 The Avenue are in zone. The scheme then crosses the railway lines and follows Cambridge Street, Newport Street and Highfield Place are in zone. 138 - 232 and 149 -269 Cambridge Street are in zone. The scheme runs South along Cambridge Street until Montgomery Street.
  • The scheme then runs East along Montgomery Street, all Montgomery Street addresses are in zone. The scheme then cuts through Winchester Street, 154 (including 154A)- 178 and 131 – 155 Winchester Street are in zone. The scheme then cuts through Rugby Street 42 – 72 and 37 -73 Rugby Street are in zone. The scheme continues to run East and intersects with Queenwood Road 32 - 90 and 29 (including 92A,B &C) – 89 (including 89A) Queenwood Road are in zone. Sherwood Place is in zone. Dorset Street is out of zone. The scheme continues East and intersects with Bartholomew Road. All addresses on Maire Street are in zone. 150 - 204 and 141 (including 141A&B) – 197 are in zone. The scheme continues along all addresses on Rimu Street and Easton Way are in zone. Martin Harvey Street is out of zone.
  • The scheme then runs north and intersects with Arapaepae Road North (SH 57). 156- 254 and 143 – 259 Arapaepae Road North are in zone. All addresses on Waihou Road and McDonald Road are in zone.
  • The scheme then runs along Roslyn Road, all addresses on Roslyn Road are in zone. All addresses on Fairfield Road are in zone. The scheme runs across country from the north end of Fairfield Road back to The Avenue (SH1).