Hero photograph
Photo by Fendalton School

Principal's Message

Raewyn Saunders —

It is always great to see September arrive, Spring is such a lovely season. Welcoming fresh, new growth, some warmer days and hopefully an end to all the ills and chills. While it is only September, we are starting to make some plans and decisions for 2017.

I appreciate that as parents you like to know what is happening and so as decisions are made, I will be sharing them so that you are well informed.

Building strong relationships with our children and parents will be a crucial element of the decisions we make. Positive teacher-child relationships draw children into the process of learning and promotes their desire to learn.

The other key driver is our respect that children do not all learn in the same way or at the same pace. Our focus will be about really knowing how your child learns, and catering our programmes and support to respect individuality. We all have different learning styles, different interests, and different needs, and as educators we will be mindful of this as we continue to make decisions regarding spaces and teaching styles.

The Leadership Team want to create a flow to the learning opportunities here at Fendalton. We want children to continue to have a strong bond with their teacher but also to be gradually exposed to more and more collaborative learning. Through collaboration, there are greater opportunities for children to develop self management and to have involvement and choice in their learning options.

Children who arrive as 5 year olds will be located at the heart, the centre, of the school. They will remain in their current setting, in rooms 10 to 14. These are single rooms but allow for some flow and integration of learning as the children become secure in the school setting.

The year twos are going to move to rooms 15 to 17. They will continue to have a strong bond with their classroom teacher. Steps will be taken to ensure consistency across the three classes and some cross groupings and shared learning experiences when appropriate.

The year threes will be in rooms 18 to 20. They will be primarily connected to their own teacher but opportunities to learn from the team of teachers and some cross groupings will be available depending on learning styles and interests of each child.

The year fours will be in room 1 to 3. The emphasis is still very much on having a home base but as these rooms offer some flexibility, different learning spaces and opportunities can be created.

The year fives will remain in the same space in rooms 4 to 6. They will continue their fabulous journey, gaining greater self management, and developing skills to cope with a greater range of learning opportunities. Their class teacher is still the key person in their life, and the key contact for parents.

The year sixes are going to move to rooms 7 to 9, otherwise known as the ‘village’. This will be an incredible space for them. This year group will gain confidence and develop agency, where they can initiate and drive their own learning. Year six has a strong focus on developing self management and leadership skills. They will be able to utilise this diverse space which includes specific areas for art, science and has a full kitchen. Years sixes will be well prepared for the learning settings they will move on to as year sevens, the following year.

The Leadership and Teaching Teams are excited about this layout. It has a lovely anti-clockwise flow from the school’s heart/centre for our little ones, round to the village, and back to the centre for our year six leaders. It acknowledges the growing capabilities of self management and confidence of our children. Be reassured your child is an individual and the relationships we build with your child will be driving further decisions on programmes of learning and the staff we select.

Teacher collaboration not only improves the practices of teaching but also improves the outcomes for learners. We will be giving thought and consideration to our teaching teams and as our staffing is finalised. we will be sharing this information with you.

We are excited about the future.

Finally, a thank you to you all for the extremely high turnout of parents to the Student-led Conferences. These are valued by us, because this is a special opportunity for our children to articulate their learning, share their success and their next steps with you. The interest parents show in a child’s learning, is powerful.

Enjoy the spring weather.

Warmest regards
