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Tūora Fendalton School

by Helen Jolly

Good sorts

Fendalton School - August 24, 2022

We are so thankful for all the support we get from our community. Sometimes people go above and beyond and this is where we wish to highlight and thank those people for their contribution.

Following the theft of our historic bell earlier in the year, we are delighted to have had a replacement donated.

Our generous donor Gary Chisholm,  has had a long association with Fendalton School by being an ex-pupil, his children attending and now grandchildren attending. 

Gary,  like many, was very upset at the brazenness of the theft and set about trying to source a replacement. His efforts resulted in this gorgeous bell arriving last week.  We will be delighted to have a bell ringing in its usual spot during specific ceremonies.  

Unfortunately,  we won't be able to leave it hanging as the risk of losing this one to theft is too great, so it will be put up and down as required.

Thank you, Gary - we all really appreciate your generosity

Image by: Helen Jolly

Our Quiz team Heroes

Our greatest thanks go to Rebecca Matheson and Mari Dennis who led a team of volunteers to make the quiz night the huge success that it was  It was so wonderfully supported by our school community and raised $10,500. Your time effort and energy in getting this off the ground was much appreciated.

Image by: Helen Jolly