Hero photograph
Photo by Helen Jolly

Beach Education

Fendalton School —

Our year 5/6 classes went to Waimari Beach.  There were lifeguards that taught us about safety in the ocean.  We learned the 5 rules of safety in the sea.

  • Never swim alone
  • If in doubt stay out
  • Swim between the flags
  • Slip slop slap the sunscreen
  • Know the conditions

There were also the 3R's for what to do if you get caught in a Rip

  • Raise an arm
  • Relax
  • Ride the rip out

We had our lunch there and had a sand castle competition. A super cool part was boogie boarding and body surfing in the shallows. Lots of falling off and getting better balance to ride the waves.  It was great fun and an awesome way to learn beach safety.

By Isla and Eddie  Room 6