PTA News
Food and Cultural Fest - Thanks and Success!
What a fantastic day we had on Sunday! Thanks to all the families who joined in (and to the weather for coming to the party!). We appreciate all those who helped with stalls, sponsorship, bringing children to perform and staying to buy food and enjoy the entertainment. Special thanks to the organising committee who put in a huge amount of work. It was such a great chance to get together and enjoy the diversity of our community. We are thrilled to have raised $8,500. Photos from the event below and also in the separate Food festival article.
Thank you again to our corporate sponsors we greatly appreciate your support.
- ExtraStaff
- Helloworld
- Mark Kum Orthodontist
- Harcourts Gold - Michelle Fu
- 3 Cows Bar & Restaurant, 71 Victoria Street AND 194C Williams Street, Kaiapoi
- Canterbury Builders
- Dynamite Signage Solutions
- Focus Civil Consultants Ltd
Also thanks to the businesses who donated ingredients:
- Minchin Junction Food Bar, Hornby - for donating all the mince for the nachos stall
- Scottfresh - Lettuces for the steak sandwiches
- New World Fendalton - $100 voucher which paid for the cheese and sour cream for the nachos stall
- Gianni's - Pita breads for the steak sandwiches
- Meadow Fresh - yoghurt for the steak sandwiches
- Gregg Architectural Builders and Connetics for their BBQs
Food Fest Colouring Competition and Raffle
Entries for the Colouring Competition will close next Friday, 30th August. The box is in the office. There will be 7 prizes, one for each year group. There are extra copies in the office if you need one.
There is also a kids' raffle and that will be drawn next Friday with the winners announced in the next newsletter.
Talent Show - Fendalton’s Got Talent!
The Talent Show is on Friday 13 Sept from 6 - 8 pm. It's a great night out for the family and entry is by koha, a gold coin donation. We have had a huge number of registrations for the talent show which is wonderful! Auditions have been held this week and parents of children taking part will be emailed about whether they have made the final cut and when the dress rehearsal will be held. The Kapa Haka group will also be performing. Thanks for your co-operation.
PTA Meeting
You are welcome at any PTA meeting even if you are not on the committee. The next one is Monday 2 Sept at 7pm in the staff room.